A New Green History of the World

A New Green History of the World
Author: Clive Ponting
Publisher: Vintage Originals
- revised edition (2007)

The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilisations.
Clive Pontings book studies the relationship between the environment and human history. It examines world civilisations from Sumeria to ancient Egypt, from Easter Island to the Roman Empire and it argues that human beings have repeatedly built societies that have grown and prospered by exploiting the Earth's resources, only to expand to the point where those resources could no longer sustain the societies' populations and caused their subsequent collapse.

This new edition of Clive Pontings international bestseller has been revised, expanded and updated. It provides not only a compelling story of how we have damaged the environment for thousands of years but also an up-to-the-minute assessment of the crisis facing the world today - and the problems that have to be addressed in the search for solutions.

Paper Back (new)
NZ$ 15.00
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